The Lives of an ordinary, yet extraordinary family

The Lives of an ordinary, yet extraordinary family

Monday, April 9, 2012

God gave me you...

It's been just over two weeks that Troy left. And although I'm trying to keep myself busy with tons of home projects (some of them not going very well due to my lack of carpentry skills), I'm still wishing he was here to help. Help with reading Aubrey bedtime stories, learning how to ride her bike, and explaining that brushing her teeth is important. Help with picking up the entire box of Lucky Charms Addison has managed to dump on the kitchen floor for the 3rd time. Or to help rub my sore feet at night, ha! We've been through this whole deployment thing before, 4 times to be exact, but never with kids. Fortunately, I have Troy's family to assist and plenty of friends that have volunteered.

Every time I look at these two girls, every time I listen to them fight and cry, I think of Troy and what he would do (right about the time I think I'm going to lose my mind), so I usually end up on the floor wrestling with them, reminding them that it's okay to have fun, giggle, and laugh, even if Daddy is far away. I've been told I have to play both parent roles while he's gone and to keep their schedules the same (sorry for keeping them up until 9:30 last night Daddy!). According to the deployment book I'm evaluating before it's published in 2013, it says I'm in Stage Five: Adaptation stage, or the "I can make it" stage. I personally enjoy the part about remembering to pay attention to your personal appearance (OOPS!). I had to laugh about that one and then I realized I wore the same clothes after work all last week.

I know how blessed we are to have each other and that God gave me Troy for the ups and downs. Even though this is temporary, it will be no comparison to the looks on our girls' faces when their Dad gets home. Every time I talk to someone whose family member is deploying, I love explaining to them that when it's time to reunite, it's literally like falling in love all over again for that first few minutes you see them. Our time will come. But for now, we are planning every fun activity and taking pictures of it all to send to Daddy! We miss you!