The Lives of an ordinary, yet extraordinary family

The Lives of an ordinary, yet extraordinary family

Monday, December 24, 2012


It’s been another wonderful year for the Malletts.

We are so thankful for the wonderful family and friends in our lives and those that have helped us through the past year. In January, we went to the Great Wolf Lodge, our favorite winter waterpark getaway. Kimber, Trace, and Kyle all came down and met us there. As always, we had a blast getting wet and riding all our favorite rides. We also toured the new Cowboys stadium in Arlington, which was impressive but we still remain Chicago Bears and Kansas City Chief fans. In February, Aubrey celebrated her 5th birthday at the Bisque Bistro in town and all the kids painted ceramic figures to take home. Aubrey loved her Hello Kitty cake. In February we also went to the pre-deployment Yellow Ribbon Event, held in Jacksonville, FL. We loved taking the kids to the MOSH museum and discovering a new part of Florida that we had never been to. By this time, Addison understood many things we asked her to do like getting her shoes or coat to put on. She could understand basic words (but of course her favorite word is always, "Mommy"). In March, we met up with Bryan and Brandie who were in town for a wedding. We took the kids to the SA rodeo to play on the rides and eat. Troy and I spent a weekend in San Antonio at the Menger Hotel and visited the Alamo and watched the re-enactment of one of the battles. At the end of March, Troy officially left for his deployment, so I had made up a long list of things to be fixed in the house to keep me occupied. By May, Addison had moved into the 2’s room at school. She seemed quite bored with the younger children and had resorted to biting, so they moved her up. Luckily, it solved the problem. In May, I decided to take the girls to a different park in New Braunfels once a week. We really enjoyed moving around, rather than just going to the same park all summer. By June, we were in full summer swing, hanging out at Schlitterbahn every weekend to keep us busy. The girls love playing in the water and going down the slides. I had one project going after another in the house, so I was definitely busy. In July Aubrey learned how to tie her shoes and also went to her first sleepover at a neighbor’s house. She also started her summer swim lessons, which she always loves. While Troy was away, he kept himself busy working out at the gym and playing basketball and softball. He even managed to go golfing in downtown Riyadh. In August, Aubrey went to a day camp, Camp Minnehaha, for a week and loved swimming, making crafts, and making new friends. I went to the coast for one weekend with some girlfriends of mine from work and we had a nice, relaxing weekend. Bryan and Brandie also moved to San Antonio so we got to see them and plan on visiting each other quite often now that they are just down the road in San Antonio. Aubrey started Kindergarten at the end of the month and has loved every minute since. She's learning how to read and they are already starting on fractions. In September, we went camping with Grandma and Grandpa out at the lake. The weather was perfect and we made s'mores and fed the deer. Finally, in October Troy came home. The girls were ecstatic to see him and play with him. We took them to the San Antonio zoo to see the animals, and then we went to Colorado for Thanksgiving and met up with Troy’s family. Although we didn’t get to ski, we went snow tubing and had a great time just hanging out with family. Addison turned 2 in November and is changing every day. She is now saying sentences, of which her favorite one is, “I’m hungry.” We made our annual trip to Sea World and they both loved watching the beluga whales and playing in the Sesame Street play area. Although Troy was gone most of the year, we've stayed busy and DEFINITELY enjoy having him home now.


We want to wish all of you a blessed Christmas and a wonderful 2013!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

215 Lonely Nights

215 lonely nights. 1,070 diaper changes. 23 bottles of wine (don’t judge ;)). 4 oil changes. Too many ouchies bandaged and kissed. 207 books read to tiny ears. 17 house projects crossed off list. Kissing you for the first time in 216 days…better be priceless!

I remember saying our last goodbyes and walking down the hallway in the airport with tears running down my face, thinking to myself, “How can I do this alone?” I can honestly say that there is something that has kept me sane through this whole deployment: reading. I’ve never read so many books in my life. I managed to read the 23 books on my list and I’m reading more that I’ve added. I just can’t put them down. It keeps my mind in another place and time. 

As I read through “Her War, Her Voice” blog, I had to laugh because Murphy’s Law will confirm that as soon as he walks out that door, anything that works can and will break, including the toilet, some tile (sorry Honey), and numerous toys. Here are some of her other great points:

“I don’t know how to tell his small children that yes, he left them, but because he loves them so deeply, he is willing to die to keep them free.”

“Despite the protestors and those who tell me, “I knew” what I was getting into, I know there are countless American citizens who will go above and beyond to show they support us.” And for our friends and family, Thank You for helping us get through it all. YOU have been my sounding board.

And a few more things discovered: 

“Cereal is always a dinner option.”

 “Rosie the Riveter was right. We CAN do it.” Well, except fix that toilet. After 6 tries, it was time to call the plumber.

“Each deployment offers two options: Grow or regress. This is a choice.”

“When the National Anthem is played, I know goosebumps will rise on my arms, and a lump will fill my throat.”

“Holidays are hard, but manageable.”

“I have no clue how to still my pounding heart when he comes home, or how to pull my arms from around his neck and ever THINK about saying goodbye again, but there is one thing I know for sure. I will never walk away from this man who stands when so many choose to sit.”


 - signed, Military and LEO wife, because I wouldn't want it any other way

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I can't believe Aubrey is already in Kindergarten. Monday started her first day in a new school and although she's been in daycare since she was 6 weeks, the past 5 years have just flown by, but I'm proud of her. She's much more independent than I was at that age. I remember watching my big brother get on the school bus each morning and waiting for my day to go too. I recently sorted through some pictures and found my Kindergarten picture. Hey, perms were in!

We definitely look alot alike, but we are different. I was so shy and Aubrey loves to interact with other kids and meet new friends.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Play, Play, Play

Yesterday I was going to drive the girls to the playground at Hinman Island, but when we drove by, it was way too busy, so I decided to take them to the one playground everyone seems to avoid: the hospital playground. This playground is not only covered, but also very fun and the girls loved it! And nobody was there, surprise, surprise!
We have 2 playgrounds left on our extravaganza before we start it all over again!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Man that stole our hearts

A father should love his children, and seek to win their hearts. He should protect them, discipline them, and teach them about God. He should model how to walk with integrity and treat others with respect. He should call out his children to become responsible men and women who have lived their lives for what matters in eternity - Alex Kendrick, Courageous-

I love, love, love that movie. I believe all children need father figures in their lives, even if it isn't their own Dad. They need role models to guide them. My Dad taught me to work hard. He showed me how to fix the lawn mower when I broke it, so that next time I would know HOW to fix it, rather than find someone else to do it. He taught me how to raise livestock, how to change my oil in my car, how to drive a tractor, and many, many more things. My Grandpa taught me how to ride a bike and how to play spades.

My children are blessed with such a strong, caring father that plays with them, reads to them, and loves them unconditionally. He is the backbone of our family. And although he is far away right now, they still miss him more than ever. So here's what we've been doing Daddy, while you are away.

It was a bit "bright" inside the house....

So we went outside to play sidewalk chalk.....

And we ended up getting a little wet with the water guns!

We love you and miss you VERY much! Happy Father's Day!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Park Adventures

We made it to two more parks on our "Park Extravaganza" list. Last week we went to Landa Park, one of the best parks around, to take a ride on the train. Addison loved pointing out the squirrels as Aubrey counted the turtles in the pond.
Yesterday we went to Solms Park, one of the "less loved" parks in New Braunfels; maybe it's because of the area it's located or maybe many people don't know about it, but Solms Park actually has a nice playground for older kids since it's slides are high in the air. Aubrey loved riding down the slides and climbing the rock wall. Needless to say, they didn't want to leave.

Friday, May 4, 2012

"Park-a-week" Extravaganza!

Week 1
Park 1: Kraft Park, New Braunfels

I've decided to take the girls to a different park every week in New Braunfels and invite all our friends to join us each week in the evening. This week was the first week and I took the girls to Kraft Park. Although it's very small, they still love playing there and it's generally vacant of other kids. They had a great time climbing the wall and going down the slides. And I got to try out my new Canon camera!

Then we came home and made brownies!

Next week's park: Landa Park, New Braunfels' largest park, and Aubrey's favorite!

Monday, April 9, 2012

God gave me you...

It's been just over two weeks that Troy left. And although I'm trying to keep myself busy with tons of home projects (some of them not going very well due to my lack of carpentry skills), I'm still wishing he was here to help. Help with reading Aubrey bedtime stories, learning how to ride her bike, and explaining that brushing her teeth is important. Help with picking up the entire box of Lucky Charms Addison has managed to dump on the kitchen floor for the 3rd time. Or to help rub my sore feet at night, ha! We've been through this whole deployment thing before, 4 times to be exact, but never with kids. Fortunately, I have Troy's family to assist and plenty of friends that have volunteered.

Every time I look at these two girls, every time I listen to them fight and cry, I think of Troy and what he would do (right about the time I think I'm going to lose my mind), so I usually end up on the floor wrestling with them, reminding them that it's okay to have fun, giggle, and laugh, even if Daddy is far away. I've been told I have to play both parent roles while he's gone and to keep their schedules the same (sorry for keeping them up until 9:30 last night Daddy!). According to the deployment book I'm evaluating before it's published in 2013, it says I'm in Stage Five: Adaptation stage, or the "I can make it" stage. I personally enjoy the part about remembering to pay attention to your personal appearance (OOPS!). I had to laugh about that one and then I realized I wore the same clothes after work all last week.

I know how blessed we are to have each other and that God gave me Troy for the ups and downs. Even though this is temporary, it will be no comparison to the looks on our girls' faces when their Dad gets home. Every time I talk to someone whose family member is deploying, I love explaining to them that when it's time to reunite, it's literally like falling in love all over again for that first few minutes you see them. Our time will come. But for now, we are planning every fun activity and taking pictures of it all to send to Daddy! We miss you!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March already, really?

Today is picture day at the girl's school. This morning was chaotic trying to figure out what Addison would wear. Aubrey already had her outfit picked out, pink of course, but I had three different dresses for Addie and she hated the one I chose to put on her. So back upstairs I went to find another dress, which turned out to be a success (I hope). Now we will have to see if the teachers can manage to get a bow on her head without her noticing, just long enough to take the picture. Glad that is over. Now the wait to see the actual pictures!

We recently met up with my step-brother Bryan and his family. They were in town for a wedding and we managed to meet up at the San Antonio Rodeo for a few hours to catch up on life. It had been seven years since I last saw him, at his wedding in Missouri. I find it's hard to keep up with family since we all live in different states, but it gives me more motivation to make an effort to see them all. It's been almost eight years since our family was together, which was at my wedding, and I miss them all so much.